Fragments Index

Liminal. I am a dream I cannot dream.

Liminal. I am a dream I cannot dream.

Plakat spektaklu "Liminalna. Jestem snem, którego nie wolno mi śnić"

Carl Jung once said, „Often the man has the feeling – and he is not altogether wrong – that only seduction or a beating or rape would have the necessary power of persuasion”, and this sentence became the motto of the performance, which was intended to be an innocent but bloody fairy tale for adults. About violence among and against women: inheriting, passing it on, and violence going unnoticed. About princesses, royals and queens (including the evil ones that every woman becomes sometimes) who want to break free and escape the fairy tale.

The liminality included in the title, according to Victor Turner who developed and popularised the concept, is an in-between state, a vague period between different phases of life, whose indicators are supposed to be humility, seclusion, tests, humiliation, dissolution of order, not belonging and the experience of communitas, or community.

One of the contexts for the performance was the Amnesty International report called “It’s in our hands – Stop Violence Against Women” from 2004 and their 2005 report called “Violence against women in families and relationships. Basic information.” The play was written collectively on stage and is the result of fascination and inspiration from contemporary culture and pop culture.

The screenplay includes texts by the TERAZ POLIŻ Artistic Group, notes from interviews conducted by the artists, fragments of fairy tales and folk tales, as well as excerpts from texts by Ivo Andrić, Frederic Beigbeder, Katarzyna Bratkowska, Marta Dzido, Jarosław Iwaszkiewicz, Elfriede Jelinek, Rebeka Lenkiewicz, Haruki Murakami, Anais Nin, Wisława Szymborska, Dorota Terakowska, Aglai Veteranyi, William Shakespeare, and excerpts from press materials and interviews.


Director: Marta Ogrodzińska
Screenplay: TERAZ POLIŻ Artistic Group
Set design consultation: Julia Skrzynecka

Thumbelina, human trafficker – Dorota Glac
Snow Queen, child killer – Marta Jalowska
Cinderella, femininity as a commodity – Adrianna Kornecka
Sleeping Beauty, struggling with her physicality – Dominika Hanna Strojek
Snow White, serial killer – Kamila Blanka Worobiej

Performance under honorary patronage of Amnesty International Poland and the mayor of Praga Północ district of Warsaw.

The first performance took place during the celebration of International Women’s Day on March 8th, 2009. Among other things, it won the Grand Prix of the 17th DIONIZJE International Theatre Festival in Ciechanów in 2009.


