Whenever There Are People To Dance, Until Then We’re Gonna

Teraz Poliż and Blaue Frau take the audience to a utopia – an international, multilingual, futuristic vision of a world where feminism is no longer necessary, all problems have been solved, there is no inequality, violence or fear, and dreams are simply plans for the future.
“Whenever There Are People To Dance, Until Then We’re Gonna” is a performance-journey, a performance-adventure, a performance-mission from science-fiction. It’s a positive programme of peaceful revolution driven by following questions:
1. Is utopia a place, a time or a process?
2. Is change possible?
3. If something unreachable suddenly becomes reachable, who would we become?
In the performance, as well as in the process of working on it, cultural traditions and languages mix (Polish, Swedish, English), and the private things intermingle with the public. “Whenever…” is like a child’s game, the rules of which can change, because the most important rule is unconstrained imagination.
The title of the play cannot be translated into either Polish or Swedish, as it is incomprehensible even in English due to grammatical errors. This title shouldn’t exist, and neither should a utopia. And yet both groups make an effort to find it, name it, and reach it, and these efforts are more important than the mistakes made along the way. In an ideal world, people can make mistakes.
We are used to thinking that a society, a team, a working group, a theatre has to be arranged by building hierarchical power structures. We are used to thinking that the roles of actors, directors and audience at theatres are defined, and that it is the only possible route. We are used to thinking that without structure, it is impossible to work or make decisions, and that sooner or later there will be chaos.
What if it could be done differently?
The creative process was an attempt to build a non-hierarchical model of collaboration. As it turned out, the attempt was successful. That’s how this performance came about: without power structure, without hierarchy. And it also tells the story of how sometimes it is enough to think for 24 hours that the impossible is possible.
Directed and written by: Teraz Poliż and Blaue Frau
Cast: Ula Kijak, Sonja Louise Ahlfors, Dorota Glac, Marta Jalowska, Adrianna Kornecka, Emanuela Osowska, Gabrielle Vaara, Joanna Wingren
Set design and costumes: Gabrielle Vaara and her team
Poster design: Johan Isaksson
Special thanks to Carl Knif, Tina Rosenberg, Annika Tudeer, Monika Płatek, Milena Trzcińska, Łukasz Stępnik, Łukasz Wójcicki, Mateusz Szymanówka
Finnish premiere:
November 22, 2014, Helsinki, Diana stage, during the Pop Art House festival organised by Blaue Frau and during the Baltic Circle festival organised by Tinfo
Polish premiere:
February 20, 2015, Warsaw, Klub Karuzela, Bemowskie Centrum Kultury in Warsaw